Disable auto upgrades

If you have modified 2MAX.io Classified Ads, it is recommended to disable auto upgrade to prevent breaking classified ads app.

To disable modification of files by auto upgrade:

To do so:


APP_UPGRADE_DISABLED – setting this to true, disables any auto updates that modify files

To disable ONLY informing about new version (not recommended in most cases)

It is not recommend to disable information about new version, because it does not break and modify anything. It’s only purpose is show info about new version available, and leaves decision about upgrade in hands of operator.

But in some cases it is useful, one of which is that you as programmer heavily modified this app for your client, or do not want to inform your client about use of this script. In that case you can disable new version info by following steps above.

And in addition to changing APP_UPGRADE_DISABLED, set value of APP_UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_CHECK_DISABLED to true, like so: